Here, you’ll find all the details on our upcoming gatherings, workshops, webinars and actions. Our events bring together First Nations youth and allies to connect, learn, and take collective action for climate justice. Join us to build community, elevate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander voices, and demand a climate just future, for all!

Join us at the Kimberley Youth Gathering
The Kimberley Youth Gathering will create a culturally safe space where First Nations young people and communities from the Kimberley, can come together to listen, learn, share, and plan. Through peer-led educational workshops, along with discussion and planning sessions, we will empower young mob with new skills, knowledge, and networks to ensure they can lead action in their communities. They will meaningfully contribute to the direction of the frack free Kimberley campaign.
Kimberley Road Trip
At Seed, we know how essential it is for communities experiencing the impacts of the climate crisis to be leading the fight, which is why we’re prioritising conversations with communities in the Kimberley. Earlier this year, we embarked on a trip across the East and West Kimberley to meet with mob on the frontlines of extractive industries and climate impacts.
Across two weeks we travelled to Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing, Kununurra, and Wyndham. We spoke to local radio stations, organisations, and community members about the climate impacts they’re already experiencing and sharing information about the risks of fracking and the corporations who plan to frack and profit off, their country.
Campfires and Yarning Circles
Yarning Circles and Campfires are spaces for and by young mob to connect, share experiences and build networks towards a more just climate future.
It is culturally important to share our stories in this way in a supportive environment held by the Grassroots Network. We discuss what challenges and motivates us to stand for climate justice, the topics change monthly, and it is a free and inclusive space for young mob to connect with others.

Join us in Narrm
The Grassroots Gathering is an empowering in-person training designed to engage and support young First Nations young people nationwide who are passionate about addressing the impacts of Climate Change.
These gatherings aim to go beyond just knowledge-sharing—they're about fostering friendships, establishing networks, facilitating crucial conversations, and collaboratively devising strategies and campaigns to protect country, culture, and communities.