204181757 - AYCC > SEED

@youth4climatejustice - "We need to be standing behind Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander people leading the fight" to #stopadani - Larissa Baldwin, Co-director of @seedmob ✊#landrightsnotminingrights #protectcountry #climatejustice

"We need to be standing behind Aboriginal and Torres Stait Islander people leading the fight" to #stopadani - Larissa Baldwin, Co-director of @seedmob ✊#landrightsnotminingrights #protectcountry #climatejusticehttps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/17438122_1145167385611381_6690556472952094720_n.jpg

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