12877038 - AYCC > SEED

@invasivecoffee - Instead of funding big coal mining giants, like Adani, lets use tax payers money to create a better future for young Australians and the world @turnbullmalcolm 🌈🌻☀️ #stopadani #climatechange #divest #cleanenergy #auspol #protectcountry

Instead of funding big coal mining giants, like Adani, lets use tax payers money to create a better future for young Australians and the world @turnbullmalcolm 🌈🌻☀️ #stopadani #climatechange #divest #cleanenergy #auspol #protectcountryhttps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/18299049_189058378282379_1736949632803536896_n.jpg

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