Seed Webinar: How to Campaign During a Pandemic - AYCC > SEED


Seed Webinar: How to Campaign During a Pandemic

Join Seed Mob for the first instalment in our new webinar series and develop skills and knowledge to change the world!

In week 1, join the yarn about How to Campaign During a Pandemic, featuring Ruby Wharton from Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance.  This is a moment of mass disruption, and it makes some of our goals more achievable than ever.  But we know that those in power won't give in easily, so we need to think outside the box about how to fight effectively right now. Everyone is welcome to tune in and hear about tactic ideas from around the world and how movements are growing despite physical distancing.

Register here and receive materials and resources by email in the lead-up to, and following, the webinar, and connect with presenters and other participants.  

You can livestream the webinar at on our Facebook page here


April 16, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8pm


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