Seed Summit Scholarship Fund
Seed volunteers have been out and about over the last few months spreading the word and building our movement and now we’re getting ready to be joined by over 70 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people from all across the country for our Protect Country summit.
We’ve been overwhelmed by the number of young people far and wide who are passionate about protecting their country and want to come together to take action. There’ll be young mob from Adelaide, to Borroloola, Cairns to Darwin, Hobart, Agnes Water, Perth, Bundaberg and more!
Right now, we need your help to be able to provide travel scholarships to those who otherwise wouldn’t have the opportunity to build skills, confidence, share stories and plans for action. Can you chip in?
We’re booking transport, accommodation and organising details for the summit now so that any young person, regardless of their location, can attend. We need to raise $10,000 to cover the costs. Chip in now if you can!