Origin Frack off - AYCC > SEED

Origin Energy: Frack Off

Tell Origin Energy CEO Frank Calabria: Don’t Frack the NT

Origin Energy relies on their “good energy” branding, but you and I can see through their corporate greenwashing, ignoring Traditional Owners and their concerns about fracking, all while trashing the climate. This does not sound like good energy to me.

In the lead up to Origin Energy’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), we are going to make sure that the voices of Traditional Owners and First Nations communities cannot be ignored. 

The recent IPCC report confirms what many First Nations people have been saying for a long time: we need to keep all new oil, coal or gas reserves in the ground, and we must stop subsidising fossil fuels. Origin Energy must listen to First Nations communities and stop their plans to frack in the Northern Territory.  

SIGN NOW, to show the strength of community opposition to Origin’s fracking plans.

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