@ayccvic - Had such a great time yesterday, gathering with 2000 people passionate about climate justice and united to #StopAdani ✊🏽 Thanks to everyone who came ❤️💙 . #stopadani #stoptheloan #humansign #climatejustice #climateaction #aycc #seedmob
Had such a great time yesterday, gathering with 2000 people passionate about climate justice and united to #StopAdani ✊🏽
Thanks to everyone who came ❤️💙
#stopadani #stoptheloan #humansign #climatejustice #climateaction #aycc #seedmobhttps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/p640x640/22278031_1774018562898375_406137158391300096_n.jpg
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