@ayccsa - It's October, so For The Love Of The Reef is starting soon! To protect the Reef from coal and the NT from fracking, we're taking a fundraising challenge and giving up something we love for 2 weeks! Sign up today! (link in bio) 🌏🐟🐠❤️

It's October, so For The Love Of The Reef is starting soon! To protect the Reef from coal and the NT from fracking, we're taking a fundraising challenge and giving up something we love for 2 weeks! Sign up today! (link in bio) 🌏🐟🐠❤️https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/22158671_118573935501020_7439753985197604864_n.jpg

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