Friday inspiration: 21 year old youth leader Amelia Telford (2015 Young Environmentalist of the Year) is national director of the Seed Indigenous Youth Climate Network, where she mentors indigenous youth in climate change activism and social justice. What an incredible role model! #DoxaOrg #Inspiration #FridayInspiration #InspirationFriday #AmeliaTelford #SeedMob #ClimateChange #PeoplesClimate #PeoplesClimateMarch #IndigenousYouth #SOSBlak #SOSBlakAustralia #SocialJustice #RoleModel #PositiveLifeExperienceshttps://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xpa1/t51.2885-15/s640x640/e15/12237062_1641555496132269_1315943881_n.jpg

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