@seedmob - #Seedmob met @remikolawole last night at @3rrrfm 'White Noise' Series. Our deadly Seed Vic coord @paul_cj_geezy joined Remi on a panel called Reflections On Belonging: Australia's Identity Crisis. Pretty sure you can check it out online now!

#Seedmob met @remikolawole last night at @3rrrfm 'White Noise' Series. Our deadly Seed Vic coord @paul_cj_geezy joined Remi on a panel called Reflections On Belonging: Australia's Identity Crisis. Pretty sure you can check it out online now!https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/16464113_1212361012146301_688563148235472896_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTQ0NTk3MDg5NzY1OTE3MDE4MA%3D%3D.2

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